Sunday, 18 March 2012

My Teen Mom Story: Motivation... I hope!!

Hey Everyone!

First, I wanted to explain the title of my Blog channel.

Once Upon a Teen Mom means just that, I started having children 

when I was a teenager. To be exact I became pregnant with my 

Oldest son Logan when I was 16 years old! and for the record YES 

I know that is awfully young. I am writing this blog post because I 

want to reach out to other teen mom's who I know are struggling. I 

want to say..... your life is not over by any means. Your life I am                         

sure is more difficult than that of other teens who do not have 

children or are not pregnant. That is just inevitable! 

Being a teen mom is a challenge! yes! but all I have to say is 

PLEASE please please DO NOT give up on your dreams. If you 

had a dream of becoming a lawyer or a doctor or a model 

(whatever it is). You do not need to give up just because you have 

a child. Success in life= motivation. Motivation can easily 

disappear when you are sleep deprived and broke! Regardless, 

baby steps and you can do anything you put your mind to!

For myself I ended up leaving high-school in grade 10 because I 

was so very pregnant. I lost a lot of friends and I of course was sad. 

That didn't stop me though. Because well I was smart and ended up 

getting pregnant again!?!?! (Crazzzy I know!) when Logan was 

only 5 months old! shame on me I know. After that.... I realized 

holy doodle I need to get my life back on track because I NEED to 

support these adorable little beings and the only way to do that was 

get back to school finish my grade 12 and get my butt to 

college........somehow........ It took me 4 YEARS to finish my grade 

12, which was to be expected when ALL of my time was devoted 

to these little boys at home. To boot I ended up getting pregnant 

AGAIN when I was 21!! After Matthew was born (my youngest) I 

almost gave up I figured I was being a horrible mom trying to get 

and education because eventually I never got to see them. The truth 

is my children are more greatful to see mom working her butt off to 

someday in the future provide them a life and not be living off of 

the government or working for minimum wage, and you know what 

THEY are worth all the hard work and so am I. I could go on 

FOREVER and give every little detail of my ADVENTURE (which 

it was). The moral of the story is.... DO NOT GIVE UP! When you 

are a teen mom statistics show are HUGE % of us end up as 

"failures" meaning not finishing school and becoming a productive 

citizen. Use that statistic as a challenge!!! You can beat the stigma. 

YES people will look down on you YES people will give you are 

hard time but nothing feels better than going to bed at night 

knowing you ARE being productive. NOTHING feels better than 

confidence! Your kid(s) will thank you, you will thank you. YOU 

ARE WORTH IT. It is hard to come to terms with your lost your 

teenage years and partying may not be an option when you have 

mounds of homework to accomplish and dishes to wash! Trust me I 

KNOW!! I am now 25 years old I have 3 sons  8,7, and 4 years old. 

I currently am finishing up my last year of Nursing college :0D 

(WHOOP). If I can do it SO CAN YOU!!!~~ If you have any questions feel free to ask :o)

Love ya's!

Nicole ~:o)


  1. New follower! I can relate to this post so much! I got pregnant at 19. I was in college and had to quit to become a mom. Everyone thought I was going to become another statistic. Well today my son is 4 and I've been a Registered Nurse for almost a year now! Never ever give up on your dreams or let negative comments bring you down! I hope you have a fabulous day!

    -Hillary @

    1. Awe thanks Hillary, I feel like we have so much in common! I just checked our your blog is is great!~ :) Nicole~~

  2. amazing post :)
    It's just so inspiring!
